Vlogging is the latest social media craze. In keeping with the times an inter-house vlogging competition was held at Police DAV Public School, Jalandhar under the able guidance of Principal Dr Rashmi Vij. The theme for the same was -‘No Bribes, No Lies, Only Just and Fairer Rise’.
The event showcased 16 vlogs created by participants, demonstrating their creativity and storytelling skills. Each pair presented their vlog, sharing their experiences and challenges faced during the creation process.
The First Position was bagged by Mishthi and Upinderjit Singh (Tejasvi House), the Second Position by Abhijay Arora and Jatin Sharma (Manasvi House), the Third Position by Aman Arora (Tejasvi House)
Manyata, Mishtha (Yashasvi House), Ashank Goyal and Arushi (Manasvi House), Ansh and Saroor (Ojasvi House) were awarded the Consolation prize.
Overall, Tejasvi House was declared first,
Manasvi House second and Yashasvi House received the third position.
The event was coordinated by Mr. Manoj Dutta and Mrs. Neetu Gupta under the patronage of Mr. Raj Kumar, Supervisor of Sr. Secondary Wing. The judges for the event were Mr. Rajiv Verma, Mr. Amit Sohal, and Ms.Anupama Goyal
The competition was a resounding success, providing a platform for students to express their creativity and showcase their talents.
Ms Preeti Khehra, Ms Jaspreet Boparai, Ms Poornima Sharma, Dr Neetu Vaid, Mr. Balwinder Singh and Ms Vani Sharma were also present on the occasion.