Raksha Bandhan was celebrated at Police DAV Public School, Jalandhar. On this occasion, Swastika and Divya of class VIII talked about the importance of the festival. Through a short play, the message of giving importance to relationships instead of being lost in mobile phones in the present times was given.
On this occasion, Principal Dr. Rashmi Vij told the students about valuing their relationships.
On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, the students of Traffic Club tied Rakhi to the drivers and conductors of the school.
Saraswati Vandana was presented by the students of Traffic Club. A short play was also presented which gave the message of following safety measures on the road. On this occasion, Principal Dr. Rashmi Vij honoured the best driver, the best conductor and the best helper. All the teachers of the Traffic Club were also present on this occasion.
Rakshabandhan was also celebrated in the primary wing. The celebration was marked with songs and dances.
The students brought handmade rakhis which were handed over to an official from Dainik Jagran. The rakhis will be sent to soldiers who provide security to us, putting their lives at risk. This activity was conducted by the Reporters’ Club of the school and Dainik Jagran.